martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

puppy's free post

Today's post is about music, but not the music i like in general (that would be a really long post). Its about a musician, writer and composer : Chad VanGaalen.
 The first time i heard Chad's music was like four years ago, i was reading a blog and then an amazing  video appears, it was his first single "Molten Light", the sensation that gave that song (and the video as well) i would compare it to a dream that i had, a dream were i was a an old lady gardening in the backyard of his castle in the mountains, weird. After that i downloaded his LP inmediately, all the disc is awesome, and the songs were all composed, produced and recorded by him in his house. My favourite one is TMNT Mask, the beats are amazing and i would dance it anywhere. Another song of that LP that i love is Willow Tree, the second single, its more quiet but really good.
 The last disc was released on 2011 and its called "Diaper Island", i don't think this one is the best of his career but anyway is really really good and the videos are so good, Chad has an own graphic style for all the stuff that he makes, i'll show some shots of his videos.

hugs & hugs
puppy island

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