jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Review : BBC Learning English

I've never had visited this website before, and i must say is very helpful to those are not yet very familiarize with english speaking. Its a super friendly website, with different sections and so much to do. The one that catched me was the quizzes section, especially the crosswords. They have this game and different topics to answer and learn about. I have to say it was not so easy the first time, because there are many words that i realized i didn't know at all, for example how do you name animals sounds (the sound that make the monkey, or a rat). In the same section you can found "Beat the Keeper" a game that have a lot of topics and characters that might be related to other sections of the website, i didn't understand this very much. I played the game and actually it's easy to play, i think its about typical english phrases or something like that.
 The thing i didn't "love" about the website is the design, i think is very 2000´s, websites are not like those anymore, they should re-design the website to make it more fun to see, it gives me the impression is a newspaper webstie or something very serious. Anyway i will recommend this website to my young brother or little cousins, because its perfect for ages between 12 and 18 i think.






jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

A concert

I had go to so many concerts! I'ts a hobby to me, and i really spend lots of money on that, no regrets, because i have seen my favourites band of all times, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Animal Collective, Interpol, Toro y Moi, Phoenix, Mogwai, among others. But the concert i enjoyed the most (maybe because is the last i went) was Grizzly Bear. They played 3 months ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From the moment i noticed that they was not coming to Chile i told my boyfriend (he loves them too) that we must go. We saved money for two weeks, just for the bus tickets. Afortunately i had a friend that lives in Buenos Aires, so he could accept us in his house. But we had nomoney for the concert tickets :( in that moment we almost give up. In my desesperation i wrote an inbox to the Grizzly Bear Facebook page, and guess what... the vocalist answered me! he told me that me and my boyfriend where on the guest list of the show, he gave me his cell number and we talked a little.
The day of the show went all perfect, the show was oniric an the band sounded so much better live than the studio version. That improvised trip to Argentina is one of the things i'll never forget, i always smile when i remember that day.

Ready. able by Grizzly Bear


puppy's favourite beach : la herradura

Hi guys, in this post i'll talk about my favourite beach of all time, i say "of all time" because i visited so many beaches. My father is from Coquimbo, he always enjoyed swimming and always carried us (me and my brothers) to beaches you can swim in. Some of the beaches or lakes i've been in are "Playa negra", "amarilla", "El Sol", "Salinas", "Acapulco", "Maitencillo","Pucón","4 esquinas" and many more i didn´t remember now. Well, my favourite is one from my father's natal city, Coquimbo, La Herradura, and the reason i love it it's because i didn't enjoy so much sunbathing or walking, i love to swim, i could spend all day in the water swimming in the deep. My father taught me to swim since i was a child. So this beach it's perfect for swimming, really quiet, the water is so clean and blue, the temperature is perfect. The only thing i hate is that you can find some really disgusting crabs or jellyfishes around, yuk.
I had not been there in so much time, when i was younger i had visted that beach one or two times pear year, now i bearely rememeber that times :(
And thats all, i hope you visit this beach someday, if you like swimming it's the perfect beach for you.


martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

a photograph

The photograph i'm going to show you is from last summer. It was the last weekend of vacations, me and my boyfriend were so sad because the summer was ending and didn't want to back to class. So we decided to go to La Campana! is a kind of ¿mountain? i guess, is a very big place with so much stuff to do : climbing, walking, camping. We decided to camping the day before, so we did it all in the last minute. Get some clothes, food from our houses, ask for money and that was all.
The trip was so improvised and really nice, just us in the woods, his guitar, the books we where reading, a bottle of vodka and one of tequila (we really enjoy drinking). Was a weekend very romantic and we got closer, we talked a lot.
This photo was when we met two friendly dogs that lived there, and were a really good company. We named them "Abuelo" and "cejitas locas", i never going to forget them :'( i actually take pictures of all dogs that i met in trips, they just ask for some food and give so much love and company, dogs are the best.

hugs & puppys

puppy island

puppy's free post

Today's post is about music, but not the music i like in general (that would be a really long post). Its about a musician, writer and composer : Chad VanGaalen.
 The first time i heard Chad's music was like four years ago, i was reading a blog and then an amazing  video appears, it was his first single "Molten Light", the sensation that gave that song (and the video as well) i would compare it to a dream that i had, a dream were i was a an old lady gardening in the backyard of his castle in the mountains, weird. After that i downloaded his LP inmediately, all the disc is awesome, and the songs were all composed, produced and recorded by him in his house. My favourite one is TMNT Mask, the beats are amazing and i would dance it anywhere. Another song of that LP that i love is Willow Tree, the second single, its more quiet but really good.
 The last disc was released on 2011 and its called "Diaper Island", i don't think this one is the best of his career but anyway is really really good and the videos are so good, Chad has an own graphic style for all the stuff that he makes, i'll show some shots of his videos.

hugs & hugs
puppy island