jueves, 18 de julio de 2013


This was very funny (at moments) , especially when i had to write about something i liked because it was very easy to try to write about something i normally talk about, but in english. The moments i don't liked it very much was when i haved exams or a lot to do for others asignatures and when the topic to write about it was not one i liked, for example the post about the buildings. But i really enjoyed to talk about corgis or my favourite concerts, things that i like a lot but i've never had the chance to write.
I have no favourite blog, i think i just read it all, but no one took a lot my attention, of course there was interensting posts sometimes and others that talked about things i had no idea ever existed.
Personally i think the blog thing is really helpful to practise english, it was for me, because i never had the chance to expres myself this way in english. Anyway the worst blog of all was the one of tomas porras, that blog is really boring.

i'm gonna miss to write a blog :(


miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

a tv show

i grew up in the decade of the 90's, with 3 tvs in my house, a cable connection and two younger brothers, so yes, i watched a lot of tv series. The one i will talk about is not my favourite or the most i watched, but i really liked a lot this show, i'ts kenan & kel, two black guys hilarious as hell. Seriously, they were really really stupid and overreacted, i think this is the reason why i loved this show. Everytime me and my brothers watched it we can't stop laughing.
This serie is basically about two friends and the family of one of those guys, kenan. Both are very different from each other. Kenan lives with his parents and his younger sister, his fat and grumpy. His friend is Kel, skinny, stupid and the best character in the serie. They worked in a little store of his town. Basically the story is that, there is no other main topic or a very deep meaning, is just for fun. This show was on air in Nickelodeon (now Nick), then i don't know what happened but i never saw it again on TV, until monday! i was zapping in my house and i found Nick@nite, a channel with some of the old series of Nickelodeon. In that moment i remembered how much i loved that show, and maybe thats the main reason to make a post about kenan & kel

this is a video of kenan & kel trying to make a cake lol

xoxxx puppy

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

of course school kills creativity

About Robinson's video, i agree completely with him, he talks about something we all noticed sometimes and its that school is a massive machine of production; the product of this is people less curious and creative, because "they" don't want people asking questions, or people giving up school, or people following their dreams. They want people who pay taxes, people who love and protect the country they live in and get the fuck out fucking inmigrant. We are a little piece of the system that works for their interests, we just don't care about our community, the things we love to do, there is just not enough time for doing the little things we like because i have to do homework, because my teacher said that if i do this my way, is wrong, only that way is accepted and blablabla, boring stuff. My vision of this is more like a conspiracy system, its about nations and war. I know Robinson point is one more simple and maybe more "local", but is just that everything starts there, in schools.
I remeber my brother when he was younger, he was so hiperkinetic, running all the day, playing games alone, doing "ugly" drawns (he never learned to paint inside de landmarks, always like a mess), we never undterstood was he was writting cause he has a shitty ortography, and obviously, he never get 7's. The psychologist gave him pills to "calm down", and then my brother changed a lot. He was just not only "stupid", also he was like sleepy every time. He started having nightmares, and cry a lot.
We stopped the pills treatment and then we tried to have more patience with him. Now he's twenty, he is not hiperkinetic at all and the university goes fine (he is not the best student but who cares) and i must say he is the person more conscient i know, he do only what he likes, reads a lot, help people, care about homeless people and kids and fights the system. Really, like with rocks and barricades, i do not agree very much because he's always in danger lol, but is his desicion and i do don't how i ended talking about my brother, i just admire his simplicity and regret all the times we tried to changed him (his the younger member of my family).

I know this video is not completely about the inicial topic, but i think all this is connected, this is the shok doctrine (a must see)


miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

a building

i declare myself a complete ignorant about this topic, i really know nothing about buildings, geography and space, so i couldn't talk in an academic way of the subjet, just impressions of "something nice", and thinking about buildings the only one i remember i liked was one i visited in school, i really liked it and every time i visit that place again, a lot of memories came back. Is the building that now is the Artequin Museum. This building is now in Quinta Normal, and as i said, a Museum, but this building have a lot of history, this building was not even built in Chile, actually was in France in 1889.
The purpose of this building was represent Chile in a exposition made in France (i don't remember exactly about what was the exposition about). After this they unmade the building... weird, and then traveled in a ship to Valparaíso an then to Santiago.
Here in Santiago the building was a lot of things, always in the way of exposition and museums, but finally in 1992 officially the building is named Artequin.
The Museum is not a big deal at all, is full of photographic reproductions and videos of contemporary art. The thing that i like the most are the colors, the windows, the stairs, i don't know exactly, but is nice and full of memories


A piece of art

I will write about an art piece made by Alphonse mucha in 1986 and it’s called” four seasons”, this art work was the first set of decorative panels that Mucha made, and it was by far one of his most famous and characteristic art pieces.
This iconic work was one of the precursors of the art noveau style; this painting shows a group of four women, each one of them represents a season. Each panel is different yet similar. Above each one of the panels are the flora of each season in bloom. The maidens differ also as their hair color and styles. One with hair of brown, red and blonde brings about the feeling of the seasons that Mucha has displayed.
Mucha went on with his style and changed the world of art with the classical and ethereal drawings and paintings he created. His style is inspiring a lot of the modern graphics arts, its like a revival of the art noveau
I personally believe that mucha's work is amazing and original; the vivid colors, the mix of these colors, the beautiful drawns, the shapes of the women. He is by far my favorite nineteen century artist.

xxxoxx puppy